
As I create my project, I have to start planning the exhibit I plan on creating. The topic of my exhibit will be statistics of crime in DC during the 1960s to 2000. I found a really helpful website, which can be found here. This website is found on disaster center and is an extremely helpful spreadsheet. With this spreadsheet, I am able to look at when crime was at its worst and what crimes were the most dangerous. I will then create an ichart from www.ichart.net to display this information in a visually appealing way. In my exhibit, I also want to include some sort of map of where the crime is the worst. This will show the reader or visitor of my site where these places are in relevance to other places. For my research question, this all ties together because it will show the visitors of my site visual statistics and where they occurred. I can’t wait to get started because I have a feeling it will turn out really great!

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